* I’mworkinginTargalePrimarySchool 13 years. * I teachmathematicforstudents aged from 11 to 16 years (grade 5.-9.). * We have 125 studentsaged 7 to 16 yearsinthisschoolyear. * In our school also operates a pre-school groups of children aged 2 to 6 year. * Targale primary school is situated in Targale vilage, 10 km from city Ventspils.
resources from Russia, Khazakstan,Ukraineandothercountries,
is a family-friendly city opening up various possibilities both for
families living here, and visitors with children from other cities and
between the modern port, innovative plants and factories, and the
beautiful and tidy beach that has been flying the Blue Flag since 1999
makes Ventspils a very special place.